When you go hard it can get hard for your body to digest foods properly. This is where probiotics come in handy. Klean Probiotic balances bacteria in your gut so that the nutrients you need to perform can be properly absorbed into your bloodstream. Not only that, since strenuous exercise can suppress the immune system, Klean Probiotic is also formulated to help support your body’s immune response. Klean Probiotic contains multiple strains include L. acidophilus, B. lactis, L. rhamnosus, and S. thermophilus. Probiotics have been linked to mental health as well as overall health and wellness. Incorporate some into your daily routine to lighten the load on your gut and body.
How We Use It
For optimal results take a Probiotic once a day! We will take two a day during cold and flu season for a little extra security. If you are taking other supplements, it is important to take a probiotic as well for best results!